Thursday, July 20, 2017

July 20 2017 Thursday at 277 Elm

Today I got my haircut.
And had a good conversation with 70 year old Rocco, who appears a fair bit younger.
Women and gender issues were prominent topics.
He shared his fantasy with me should he win the big Lotto.
After giving his wife half (fair is fair), he would seek out 2 25 year old hookers for a 3some.
If I wanted, he'd splurge for me too.
He regretted that prostitution wasn't legal when he was young, with some cash in his jeans, and no family.

Today I had a good standard morning routine - shit, shower, online papers, modest breakfast, and put out garbage and recycling. Thumb wound and face wound healing nicely. Need to get stitch out of cheek.

Today Zach texted to say he'd be an hour late for work because his girl friend's grandmother was in the hospital and on her last breaths. That was at 8:30 am. He eventually appeared at 3:30, to change the notation in the book for tomorrow from absence to presence. No explanation or other conversation.

Today I got my car repaired. Brought it in at 8:45 as planned, just down the street. Brakes on the front needed repair as with a constant velocity joint on the right front wheel. Went to retrieve it at 4:00 pm since I had an appointment to sign wills at 4:30. The van was not ready; hadn't been touched. Return later was the option I chose. $564 was the bill for brakes and oil change.  The cv joint repair had fallen by the wayside. I'm to bring the van back at 100 km to re-torque the wheels.

Today while there, a hanger on, Al Leetch,  heard my last name and asked if I was related to hockey players from his Riverside Playground days. He's probably thinking of bros. Bruce or cousin Patrick - so I'll have to ask.

Today I met with key client PM to discuss response to HSN proposal- which apparently was an acceptance of a concept I had suggested. The proposal was inadequate - in that it transferred tax risk to PM. I had called a friend, tax lawyer, GD to discuss before meeting client. He said risk was real. That was a deal breaker I thought, and PM agreed. When speaking with GD I made lunch appointment 10 days off. Looks like I'll buy. And then charge PM.

Today I met with bookkeeper Sonal to sign cheques and go over statements. This included new Trust report, by client. The management page was not consistent with prior weeks forecast, by a lot. S agrees to improve. The trust report was completely erroneous, misleading and bogus. It's early days with Sonal and this report, so I guess patience is required.

Today I witnessed wills and explain to nice clients who paid cash - as prearranged. Pleasant.

Today I shopped for groceries and booze. Also bought a new shop vacuum at Walmart (overdue) - a Kubota stainless steel body unit for $65.

Today I spoke to sis Trish and got caught up on many things - including J Keast judicial council hearing - sad. Also made arrangement to join her at Penage on Sunday to host Fred and Anne and go for ride in new boat. Scouted the internet for details on JK case and how the OJCouncil works. Neat.

Today I had a typical nap. 1-2:30

Today I learned about Quinine, an ingredient in tonic water which was mixed with the gin drink I just finished. Quinine is quite the compound.  Dates back to Inca days. Jesuits brought it to Europe. Fascinating history. Good for treating malaria, diarrhea, and leg restlessness. Brits used it in India as prophylactic for malaria - brilliant.

Now I am in wind-down mode.
Off to empty van, put away groceries, eat some food, watch TV, smoke pot and crash.

Just another day....

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

2017 July 18 Inaugural Journal Post

Greets reader
So here is the start of something new.
A Journal in the shape of a blog.
Or a digitized recording that may have long retreivability.

Today, a nice summer day in sudbury.
At 277 Elm home+office.
With low pressure on the office front.
Nancy here to attend to clerical stuff.
Zach Berens Firth here to help - today with outside stuff.

That includes:
- instructions on cleaning up back yard some
- help with marking elevations for grading to allow cleanup, and some gravel, and some parking spots
using newly acquired laser level (which is not self leveling) jury rigged on a tripod
which resulted in decent drawing
-some personal correspondence 
- a bit of office work
- an ok lunch, followed by ok nap
- back to office, awkward conversation with Nancy - frustrated by her use of generic words - him, there, here, - which did not get better with which him?, which where?,
 - a couple of hours at my office desk - some clean up of papers, a surprise new client with neat estate case for disinherited son,
-a note to client with the line: "fall to follow in a flash"

A beer and read at new outdoor table - a new treasure from Fred & Anne carted back from Muskoka 2 days ago - white enameled steel, with all glass top, ultra minimal
A walk for some groceries.
Check on the tomatoes. 10 plants, 3 or 4 fruit showing, a dozen yellow flowers and plenty of green. It's early, but not encouraging.

Now - after setting up this new site,
some supper.
A salad, and a beef sandwich on toasted ciabatta with all the fixings (tomato, onion, hot peppers, butter, mustard) pickle on the side.

let's see how this works out.